Tag: Семь подарков

The Stone Flower Youth Film Festival

ПОЗДРАВЛЯЕМ!Молодёжный фестиваль “The Stone Flower Youth Film Festival/ Каменный Цветок” в Екатеринбурге!Все работы получили похвальный отзыв и фильм “Русалка” стал финалистом!  


Dear Friends, We are happy to announce that your film “Seven Gifts” was selected for the Nomination THE BEST FILM CREATED BY CHILDREN at the TOFUZI International Animated Film Festival 2020. 26 October – 31 October 2020, Тбилиси, Грузия. Congratulations to everyone who was working on this film! Everyone did a great job!  

Animator Fest – European Youth Festival of Animated Film в Сербии

HERE ARE THE WINNERS! Dear friends, 8th edition of Animator Fest has come to a close. First of all, we would like to thank everybody who supported us, submitted their films and gave us a reason to exist. The festival itself went off as our circumstances allowed us, modest with a fewer number of guests, but we were happy to host our event however small. Of course, the awards have been decided! We don’t want to sound cliche but we truly believe we…

XXXVI Edizione del Festival Cartoon Club

Премия Cartoon Junior Коллективная работа – КРОТИКИ, 10 детей 7-12 летПроизводство Creative Space Studio – Эстония, 2019 (4’5 “)« За качество покадровой пластилиновой анимации и образное очарование повествования ». https://cartoonclubrimini.com/language/en/