07.03 – 31.10.2022

Project “Cultural codes-5. Estonian Anchors" continues to explore Estonian culture and life through the production of an animated film. Creation of an animated film based on real stories of the inhabitants of small settlements in Estonia in the genre of documentary animation using various animation techniques. The main condition of documentary animation is that the work is based on life and documented facts, not originally intended for art. Photographs, diaries and much more are suitable for this - it is important to use these materials only as confirmation of a thought, and not as an artistic tool.

It is not uncommon for a person to not feel at home in their place of residence and spend many years of their lives looking for a place to call home. Someone was lucky enough to be born in Estonia and call it their home, someone found their home in a small town in Estonia.

The aim of the project is to study the following issues: 1. Are there people in small Estonian towns who have come from other countries for whom Estonia has become home? 2. What helps residents of small towns and villages in Estonia to stay where they were born or come from other cities or countries and achieve success without even striving for big cities? 3. How do ethnically diverse residents of small towns help Estonia maintain its Estonian identity and culture in the global world?